“童话和诗” 颜小倩个展

“Fairy Tales and Poems” Yan Xiaoqian Solo Exhibition

10 September – 13 October, 2016

Inspired by European fairy tales, artist Yan Xiaoqian’s latest solo exhibition merges European fairy tales with Chinese classical poems by quoting the classic fairy tales to represent the similar plots and circumstances from Chinese classical poems in a very strong sense of oriental pictures. The overall tones of her artworks convey oriental poetry and vivid, however the atmosphere of Xiaoqian’s art is sentimental yet not sad.

Xiaoqian believes fairy tales offer us the greatest fantasy and the ideal world, while Chinese poems tend to show the reality from the fairy tales. In Xiaoqian’s paintings, you can find the most beautiful and poetic scenes with strong imagination and affection, she is determined to devote all her life to creating her own fairy tales and poems in art.


“童话和诗” 颜小倩个展

展期: 2016年9月10日– 10月13日


艺术家颜小倩的此次最新个展以”童话和诗”为创作主题,以童话言事,以诗诉情,构成了此系列作品的两大组成部分。作品的整体色调拥有东方的诗意、质朴和生气,给人哀而不伤之感。艺术家笔下的童话世界给予现实中的人们拥有最盛大的理想和幻想; 而诗却让人们从中见证到了理想和情感的真实。尽管某些情感不是完美的,但却是恰到好处的。无论是我们眼前的实景还是内心的心像,都是艺术家愿用毕生的精力去描绘的再美不过的画面和最珍贵的情感。