“A Journey into China”—Li Wei Watercolour Solo Exhibition

“A Journey into China”—Li Wei Watercolour Solo Exhibition

Sept. 13—Oct. 12, 2008

Having been painting professionally for thirty years, the well-known Shanghainese academic artist Li Wei, shows his latest works inspired by his journey through China. Inspiration comes from ancient villages, modern cities,  minorities and Tibetan Lamas. He has strived to reach the perfection of representing a vivid China with its magnificent landscapes and historic heritage.



上海著名学院派水彩画家李伟将于2008年9月13日- 10月12日在上海岳阳路150B号的诺易画廊举行水彩画个展。李伟以其扎实的写实功底和独特的审美视角向大家展示了他的最新系列作品—“人在旅途·中国”。从江南水乡到徽州古迹、从城市少女到西藏喇嘛,画家细腻的笔触和隽秀的风格向大家再现了中华民族优秀的历史文化遗产及其丰富和谐的多元化民族特色。