“本土化·全球化·转变” Stéfanie Vallée个展|“ local·global·transformation” Stéfanie Vallée Solo Exhibition

“local·global·transformation” Stéfanie Vallée Solo Exhibition

Date: 17 October– 12 November, 2015

In a naïve desire to explore the world, to discover what is out there beyond the local realm, Canadian Quebecois artist Stefanie Vallee believes humans are undergoing an inner-transformational process. Being a former whitewater kayakist in the Canadian National Team, Stefanie Vallee achieved several awards as 10 times Canadian Champion and ranked 4th in the World in 2012. Stefanie started as a professional artist in 2004, she brings us her latest artworks in this solo show titled “local·global·transformation”.

Stefanie’s artworks are both figurative and semi-figurative, inspired by Shanghai and other main cities in China, as well as daily life. Also, some are expressing a global view of the continents over which copper butterflies are flying under light installation. The artist is seeking a free flow of pigments, taking risks while she paints without using a brush. Water mix media and Chinese ink are depicting colorful, or black and white, harmonious shades of tones that set a bright light halo into each of her artworks.

This exhibition reveals one becomes a global being, zen, neutral state of mind, able to reconnect locally seeing the new beauty and shapes of the landscape. What is seen out there is reflect of what has been found within: light treasure shines through the heart and travels like butterflies.


“本土化·全球化·转变” Stéfanie Vallée个展 


出自于一种简单而单纯的欲望想探索发现本土以外的世界,来自加拿大魁北克省的艺术家Stefanie Vallee认为人类正在经历一个内心自我转变的过程。作为前加拿大国家队的激流皮划艇运动员,Stefanie Vallee曾十次蝉联魁北克省激流皮划艇冠军并在2012年世界冠军赛中排名第四。Stefanie Vallee于2004年正式成为一个职业艺术家,此次她以“本土化·全球化··转”变为个展主题,为我们带来了其最新系列作品。

