“咏竹” Wendy Clayton-Kindl 个展
“Spirit of Bamboo” Wendy Clayton-Kindl Solo Exhibition
Date: 14 November –10 December, 2015
Born in Sydney, Australian artist Wendy Clayton-Kindl found her new inspiration from Chinese bamboos after her life experience in Syria, Austria and Kuwait.
Wendy is going to showcase her latest collection “Spirit of Bamboo” in her first solo exhibition in Shanghai. She uses various medium and pictorial languages both on canvas and on paper to pay her homage to the true spirit of bamboo.
This exhibition leads the observer to draw power from the bamboo you are seeing. Feel the bamboo’s strength and rise tall, be tenacious but have integrity, marvel in its simplicity yet elegant structure, and, like bamboo, have a hollow heart but not to be empty instead to be open to the good and beneficial things that come your way.
“咏竹” Wendy Clayton-Kindl 个展
出生于悉尼的澳大利亚艺术家Wendy Clayton-Kindl在旅居叙利亚、奥地利和科威特之后,来到了中国,其最新系列的创作灵感来自于中国的竹文化。