《夏娃的世界》米娅作品个展| “Eve’s World” Mia Solo Exhibition

“Eve’s World” Mia Solo Exhibition

Date: 24 May – 19 Jun, 2014

As a Christian, contemporary artist Mia creates her modern female portraits featuring red lip in a blank face with vibrant colours and delicate details. Her paintings are well known for the collection of “Life in Opera”. This Exhibition summarizes her creations from 2006 till the present with selected various series of paintings. This show will lead the audience to experience Eve’s World created by Mia.




作为一个基督徒,现当代艺术家米娅在创作中以省略五官、只留红唇为特点,加以明亮的色彩,来描绘现代女性。 《戏曲人生》是她的作品中最为出名的系列。此次个展涵盖了她从2006年至今各个系列中的代表作品。让我们一起来体验米娅所创造的“夏娃的世界”。