“Spring Blossom”- Yu Zijun Watercolour Solo Exhibiton

“Spring Blossom” – Yu Zijun Watercolour Solo Exhibiton

March 12th – April 15th, 2011

Renowned 84-year-old Chinese artist Yuzijun, who has devoted himself to fine arts education for most of his time in life, still keeps his passion for art. This latest watercolour exhibition shows a combination of traditional Chinese landscapes and modern abstract paintings.

春.色”— 虞子骏水彩画个展


1950年毕业于上海美术专科学校的艺术家和美术教育家虞子骏,将一生的时间奉献给了艺术创作和中国美术教育事业。 84岁高龄的虞老先生始终保持着对艺术创作的极大热情。此次的水彩画个展,虞老用轻快的笔调,明亮的色彩和抽象的手法记录了其晚年生活的所见所闻和所感所想。