2015 “本土化 · 全球化 · 转变” Stefanie Vallee 专访 | Interview with Stefanie Vallee

1. 这次您以“本土化•全球化•转变”为主题的个展灵感来自于哪里?

Where does your inspiration come from for this “local·global·transformation” solo exhibition?


My inspiration for this exhibition comes from many testimonials and observation from people I coached regarding their adaptive process as they are becoming global citizen.


Why did you choose Shanghai as a destination for living at the moment? What do you find about Shanghai?


I chose Shanghai because it is really a cosmopolitan city, it is the land of all possibilities, I really enjoy this! Shanghai is a modern, open, welcoming city. It is a place with a wide range of diversity, cultural and social differences, and I see beauty in all that.

3. 据我所知,您来自加拿大魁北克 省,是一名国家队前皮划艇运动员,曾十此蝉联了加拿大冠军并在2012年获得世锦赛第四名的成绩。能否跟我们谈谈您是如何成为一名职业艺术家的?

As I know, you are from Quebec Canada and you were a whitewater kayakist on the National team. You achieved several awards as 10 times Canadian Champion and ranked 4th in the World in 2012, could you please tell us what made you become a professional artist?


Although most people find intriguing the fact that I was an athlete and then became a professional artist, there is actually a genuine link between the two: water. Water used to carry my kayak down the river towards the finish line and I felt like dancing on water. Now as an artist, water conveys pigments on my canvas to create artworks and I feel like performing. Water for me is a magical element of nature, it is so inspirational. So, I began as a professional artist selling artworks to support the costs of my athlete career and had my first solo exhibition in 2004 in Canada. I sold to famous people like Ma Huateng in China back in 2013!


What are the difference and connection between being a professional athlete and being a professional artist?


There is no national team to be on, as an artist! That means no structure to support you. Everything has to be planned, built, put forward by the artist. I am lucky because I have formed a close working team around me and my artworks. But both activities require a lot of passion and a winning mentality, the ability to thrive through doubt and uncertainty, because quitters never win and winners never quit.

5. 能否跟我们分享一下您是如何不用画笔去创作作品的?

Could you please share with us the making process of your paintings without using a brush?


The making process of my artworks seems very simple but it is 25 years of experience as a watercolorist and painter that I put together to create my technique that I called “PWB – Painting Without a Brush”. It encompasses three easy steps which are: wet, pour and play ! I wet the canvas, pour on the paint, play while listening to the water flowing. It requires the ability to let go of control, and go with the flow. This way, I can create both abstract and figurative artworks. I have also created a simplified version of this painting technique for people called «PWB Starter Painting Kit».


What would you like to bring to the viewers from this exhibition in Shanghai?


I hope that my solo exhibition will trigger people’s curiosity and bring some reflection about their own internal adaptation process, shifting from a local to a global reality (finding a common ground and balance out of diversity of languages and mindsets). I am illustrating this through very colorful and emotional abstract scenes, but also with the use of black, white and different shades of grey, bridging opposites together and creating harmony, with maps of the world painted without a brush and pin hand designed butterflies. With copper butterflies, map of the world painted without a brush and local scenes, I go to macro to a micro point of view.

7. 您下一步的艺术创作会是什么?

What’s your next step for your future art creation?


I want to explore the flow through epoxy, a material I have been using as an athlete to repair my kayak, now I will bring it on canvas!