2016 “无 · 性” 王学军专访 | Interview with Wang Xuejun

1. 为何本次摄影系列的主题取名为“色盲”?

Why your first photography collection is titled “色盲-Se Mang”? (literally translated from Chinese as Colour Blind)


This is one of my favorite titles based on my close attention to the social, biological and psychological aspects of gender, which was proposed by the curating team from Publicis Group during my last non-commercial preview exhibition. I noticed the misplacement and complication from male’s and female’s presence in today’s society. All of my works are dominated in red and green colour(色 Se). I am obsessed by the different shades of red and green because of its huge magical contrast occurred in visual. In Chinese, “colour (色 Se)” also stands for “Lust”. So the title of “色盲-Se Mang” implicates the combination of the major colour from my art works that you can see and the “Lust” behind my artworks you can’t see but you may feel. In my works, it’s hard to identify Female and Male with our traditional definition and judgement.

2. 众所周知,你以往的作品都是以油画为主。而此次的摄影作品是你艺术创作生涯中第一次大胆尝试用摄影的方式去表达你的观念,能告诉我们为什么吗?

As we all know, your previous works are mainly oil paintings. This is your first photography collection to express your idea, why?


My major is oil painting at Si Chuan Fine Arts Academy. However, I believe artist is not only a painter nowadays, I won’t limit myself to explore all kinds of media to express my art. Art performance, installation, video, photography, text have been tried already in the past. Personally I think photography is a relatively accessible approach to try, to realise my works. Certainly,I will try more in the near future.


3. 当年从川美油画系毕业后,你曾在阳狮集团以及喜来登酒店等一些知名的公司企业中担任过近十年之久的高级艺术设计总监一职。这些从业经历在你今后的艺术创作生涯中产生了什么影响?

After you graduated from Si Chuan Fine Arts Academy, you have worked as a senior artistic director in some well-known companies such as Publicis Group and Sheraton Hotel for nearly ten years. What does this experience influence your art career?


I don’t like repeating the same ideas or “successful experience” from others. I do things only if I’m interested in. I have a large interest in visual creation, so my job has involved in fashion design, architectural design, web design, and digital graphic design. I enjoy generating new concepts. It brings me more unexpected visual experience. I have benefited so much from my past visual working experience. Don’t repeat other people’s ideas, don’t repeat myself or do repeat myself in purpose are becoming my interest in the art creation.

4. 你觉得当今社会中的中性现象是一种普遍现象还是特殊现象?你是如何看待这种“中性“趋势的?你觉得这种趋势会给我们当今的社会和年轻的一代产生怎样的影响?

What do you think of the neutral phenomenon appeared in today’s society? Is this a common phenomenon or a special phenomenon? How do you think about this tendency of “Neutral Sex”? What kind of impact will it have on the young generation?


I understand the biological definition of Female and Male. However, they confuse me some times. I found human being is a very complicated kind. Speaking from its psychological and social aspect, many people misplace them for being female and for being male. Nowadays many females become the world leader, which denies or challenges the traditional recognition of being a female for the social roles in the society. Therefore, I think we can identify the female and the male by its biological gender instead of its psychological and social gender. I hence support this “Neutral Sex” world.

5. 能与我们简单谈谈你的这次摄影系列的拍摄制作过程吗?为何这次摄影作品中你选择的都是以男性而非女性的形象来表达?你觉得参与此次艺术拍摄项目的自愿者的总体表现如何?

Can you talk about your photography making process of this collection? Why you choose male participants instead of female participants? What do you think of their performance in front of the camera?

其实我已经认真研究摄影创作三年多了。以前拍的主题也很杂乱,但慢慢发现这种形式和我的绘画主题比较有关。于是我开始说服周围的朋友参与。最早我只想到找女性密友拍摄,因为听到人体艺术似乎只有女人体,但发现女人体无论怎么表达,性的意味都会被观者挤压出来,无论是胸部还是臀部或是大腿,更别说私密地带…… 所以这让我很困扰。于是,我开始说服我的一些男性朋友参与。男性与男性间也没太多防备心,所以整个拍摄过程进行得很顺利。刚开始时,我会画草图,并让参与者按草图摆相同的姿势。但后来我发现每个模特的气质和形体的不同很难达到最理想的画面。 所以我让他们自由发挥。令人惊喜的是他们自由的反应和随机的动态却超乎想象的好。所以,你要问他们每个人的表现如何,我觉得和我发掘他们个体特性至关重要。我必须感谢每个志愿者的支持与参与!没有你们的支持与参与,我的这个系列作品是无法诞生的!

Actually, I started working on my photography creation over more than three years. The earlier works are involved in large topics without any focus. Later, I gradually found photography is something can relate to my paintings. So I started to encourage my friends to participate in my project. In the beginning, I only looked for female friends due to the fact that we pay more attention to the female body rather than the male’s. Then the problem is no matter how I do, there are always something relating to lust will be squeezed out by the viewers, from their breasts, bottoms and other private area… It really frustrates me. Then I started trying to encourage my male friends to participate this project. It goes quite well, as there is no defensiveness between us. In the beginning, I did some drawings to let my friends pose according to my drawings. Afterwards, I found it doesn’t fit in everyone. So I let them do the free pose and follow their own feelings and emotions. The result is so much better than I thought. I think the most important thing is to discover their individual characteristics and let them create! I am being very grateful for all the participants who supported me to realise my first photography collection!

6. 你今后的创作方向是否会更多得使用摄影这一媒介而非传统的架上绘画这一形式你会放弃油画创作吗?

Are you going to do more photograph works instead of painting? Will you give up on oil paintings?


I won’t give up any means to create my art that excite me and make me feel happy.