2015 “地心引力” LLND专访 | Interview with LLND

1. 你们这次在上海的个展“地心引力”最新系列作品的灵感来自于哪里?


Where do your inspirations come from for your latest series of “Gravity” showing at Noeli Gallery?

Over the last 10 years, we work on the representation of Time by using different media. Our first series was called “Time Compression”, it is a reflection about memory and data … As for this series of “Gravity”, we are interested in the Cosmic Time and its cyclic dimension.

The exhibited works are inspired by the planetary orbits and their resonating cosmic harmony.

2. Laurent在电子音乐方面的造诣是如何影响你们的多媒体创作的?



As a composer, Laurent has great experience and achievement of Electronic Music programming and performance. How does it influence your art creation?

Our meeting in 2003 was like the encounter of 2 artistic means of expression which can both be understood by notions of Time and movement, the sound and video .A lot of our performances or Artworks in general use the sound as an interactive vector for the images.

Since 2 years we integrated cymatic elements in our Artworks because this phenomenen translates perfectly the interaction of sound and objects , the waves and the Corpus .The Gravity exhibition also presents works made with this principle , geometric figures created by Sound vibrations .

3. 请问你们是如何去感知周围这些无生命体和潜在能量的?能与我们谈谈你们的创作过程吗?




How do you visualize the invisible energy around us through your art works? Could you please give us a sneak peak of your art making process?

Sound and Time are invisible by essence, but we can perceive their effects on us and the world around us.

We play tonal sound frequencies into water dishes or onto plates with sands on them to unveil natural pictures of sound. Often we use sounds which cannot be heard by man because so low or so high.

Our daily environment is saturated with emitting waves, either artificial or natural ones, and our Artworks showcase the strength of the invisible waves on matter.

4. 你们曾经和许多大品牌进行过跨界合作,能与我们谈谈2014年你们与法国奢侈品牌Chopard 萧邦的跨界合作的经历吗?

我们在“La Maison de Chopard 新天地萧邦之家”的“浪漫时光”个展对我们来说是非常宝贵的经验。我们沉浸在对于手工手表的制作以及时间准确性的世界中。



As I know, you have collaborated with some brands and recently you did a cross-over exhibition with Chopard at “La Maison Chopard”in Shanghai. Could you please share this experience with us?

Our exhibition of “Time Resonance” at La Maison Chopard was a rich experience. We submerged ourselves in the universe of handy craft watch making and Time precision.

We first visited their workshop in Shanghai where we recorded sounds of beautiful Tic-tac and learned a lot about watches frequencies and watch making.

The Time Resonance Artworks reveal the invisibility of Time with Sound. Using sound frequencies to create shapes in water we were able to create 8 portraits of 8 watches selected from Chopard’s collection in Geneva.

5. 这次的装置作品“沙子记录仪”在本次展览中起着什么作用?它是否和你们将来的创作方向有密切联系吗?


What does your installation piece “Sand Grapher” function as in this exhibition? Will it relate to your future art creation?

Sand Grapher is a device we use for performances to make sound and video. We also use it to create some modules with colored sands which we use in our paintings .This installation shows in a magical way the metamorphosis of geometrical sand shapes created by sounds.

6. 你们在艺术创作中有不同的分工吗?


Do you have different roles to play for creating art pieces?

Let’s say Nathalie would be the eyes, Laurent the ears, and we fuse our brains; although sometimes, *ND’s eyes can see music and *LL’s ears can hear images …