Art Central HK Recap – The Most Successful Fair to Date
诺易画廊 (Noeli Gallery) 展位现场
Noeli Gallery’s stand with Kim Eunjin’s Solo Exhibition “Remainting Time”
为期五日的第三届 Art Central 香港中心艺术博览会于昨晚落下帷幕,约有四万余人观展。作为本年度香港艺术周最为亮眼的活动之一以及唯一一个迎接香港巴塞尔VIP贵宾的博览会,Art Central引来百余家画廊参展,为大家带来了包括水墨、布艺、摄影、新媒体及街头艺术等形式在内的多元艺术作品。
Art Central returns for its third edition with more than 100 galleries. The fair has attracted over 35,000 visitors across the world including international collectors, currators, press and media, museums, art insitutions and foundations, making it the most exciting and successful art fair highlighted during Art Basel HK art week during 21-25 March.
此次诺易画廊 (Noeli Gallery)携手艺术家Kim Eunjin带来“剩余时光”系列作品,吸引了来自中国内地、香港、台湾及众多西方观众和藏家。他们对Kim的”剩余时光”系列所提出的关于全球环境问题以及因此所带来的疾病与死亡的威胁,并对系列中所提出的“生与死”的命题表现出极大的关注和深思,同时也对Kim在绘画中所表现出对细节的精准把握力,不可思议的写实技巧以及极具超现实的视觉表达而感到震撼。
As one of the three Shanghai based galleries, Noeli Gallery is located in the central section with artist Kim Eunjin’s solo exhibition “Remaining Time”. This “Remainting Time” Series has drawn great attention from collectors and curators from greater Asia, Europe and the States. Artist Kim pays close attention to the ecologic issues and the disease caused by environtmental pollution that threatens human and animal’s life on the earth. This series also highlights the connection between the dead and the living as well as the circle of life. The audience are fascinated with Kim’s surrealist idea on her canvas as well as being greatly impressed by her excellent drawing skills on the details and the striking visual impact.
Noeli is giving a tour to the guests
作为被选入参展的三家来自内地上海的画廊之一,首次参展的诺易画廊 (Noeli Gallery) 也受到了媒体的广泛关注,分别接受了雅昌艺术网,路透社以及香港本地媒体的采访。
Noeli is sharing Kim’s works with Shangart gallery owner Lorenz Helbling
画廊主Noeli正在接受路透社记者的采访 (上图)
Reuters is interviewing Noeli at the stand