2016 “山水 · 观” 金容沅专访 | Interview with Kim Yongwon

 1. 您的灵感来自于哪里?您从什么时候开始创作“揭示山”系列风景画的?

Where does your inspiration come from and since when you started this landscape series of “Mountain Exposure”?



I would say the inspiration to start this came from the study of Korean traditional landscapes in terms of ways and theories.

Actually I spent a lot of time in studying landscapes from other artists and that made me think their pictures represented every aspect of the reality. However, after I faced to the reality, the fixed ideas turned into totally something new.  In fact, when I encountered the reality, the tremendous feelings inside me finally showed to me very differently. As a result, I started expressing those feelings on a canvas and that was the beginning of “Mountain Exposure”.


Why you use lace (a typical fabric for lingerie) as a material for your landscape artworks? Does it relate to any specific signification or implication?


韩国传统int, muk不同于传统的西方颜料。Muk没有颜色,所以我只能用它来表达光与影。两到三次着色之后让图案颜色更深,重叠的图案形成了不同层次的阴影,这一效果给人感觉好像有东西隐藏在画面里。


There are two sides to lingerie, hidden but telltale things. The main reason I work using lingeries on my work of art is to show the hidden and exposed side of a mountain.

The Korean traditional int, muk is different to western paints. muk doesn’t have color, so I can only express light and shade with it. It means two or three times coloring makes the darkening picture, Overlapped painting can make different layers of shade, and this effect brings the feeling that something is hidden inside of the picture.

As mentioned, the landscapes that I studied in office turned out something new after I faced to them for real.  I think the lingerie is one of the best materials to express my new discovery because this material talks about same topic but shows my own identity. That’s why I cut out complete products of lingerie and make them as a different form, a mountain.

3. 您的山水作品并不是传统的山水画,是用蕾丝和LED这种新的技法去重新展现和重新定义传统山水河流的主题。这是一种大胆的创新!同时也挑战了我们传统观念中对山水画的理解。您想通过您的作品给观者传达一种怎样的新观念?

Your landscape artworks are unconventional and they were created by Lace and LED, using a new technology to represent and to redefine the traditional subject of Mountains and Rivers. It was courageous innovation! It also challenges our conventional opinions towards the classic landscape paintings.


What kind of new concept you want to convey to the audience through your landscape artworks?

Since I was a 14 years old, I learned how to use a traditional landscape and Chinese ink. Especially I really liked Chinese ink. I love its feeling, expressing, touching and even smell. And that’s the reason I am still working this job. Chinese ink has its history and I believe the landscape done by person who realized its value should be appreciated. However, we are living in the 21th century, information-oriented age and my landscape could be the one of trials to communicate between the tradition and innovation. From my works you will see the traditional aspect such as Chinese ink but also see the modern view throughout materials, lingerie and LED.

 4. 您的山水作品和韩国传统山水画之间主要的区别和联系是什么?

What are the major differences and links between your landscape artworks and Korean traditional landscape paintings?


I don’t want to limit my works is different from Korean traditional landscape paintings because Korean paintings actually started from Chinese paintings. However that doesn’t mean that my works gives the different message than other paintings. Each painting reflected the ideology of the period and in that point of view my works goes with the same flow and as mentioned, how to express it is the main difference.

 5.  您接下来的创作方向是什么?

What is your next direction for your future art creation?


I am expanding my work range from Mountain, Exposure with lingerie and LED to audio and installation works throughout developing concepts. I still have fundamental objet but will expand and develop it so that my concepts will be expressed in terms of audio, video and installations.


This is your first solo exhibition in Shanghai. What’s the most impressive thing about Shanghai for you? duiduound between Shanghai and Seoul?



Although I went to some Chinese mountains such as Jhang-zia-ze, Guilin, Hwang Mountains, I never have a experience in Shanghai. It is a difficult to answer but in terms of art, I think there are more people concentrating on their won work in China which means there are more chances I can meet people who thinks about the art more seriously. Yes, even in Korea people gets more interested in art but still incompatible. However, form the point of city view it is very hard to give you the answer because I haven’t been there before. It could be the same as I imagined or I will find something new. That’s why I am very excited and longing for this exhibition.