“Style by Asia” featuring Kim Yongwon’ s Interview

We would like to thank Hongkong online media “Style by Asia” for sharing the interview of the latest solo exhibition “Landscape Sightseeing” from artist Kim Yongwon.

Please read more by copying the link here: http://www.stylebyasia.com/interview-kim-yongwon

我们感谢香港著名线上媒体“Style by Asia”特此与他们的读者一起分享了艺术家金容沅2016年首次上海个展“山水·观”的专访。


Mountain, and Water ; Exposure #1  Lingerie on Silk, LED  130×69.6cm  2015
山水 ; 揭示系列(一)  内衣蕾丝,丝绸,LED  130×69.6cm  2015

Mountain ; Exposure #13  Lingerie on Silk, LED  85×41.5cm  2014
山:揭示系列 No.13  内衣蕾丝,丝绸,LED  85×41.5cm  2014

Mountain ; Exposure #20  Lingerie on Silk, LED  100x100cm  2016
山:揭示系列 No.20  内衣蕾丝,丝绸,LED  100x100cm  2016

Montserrat ; Exposure – Sunset  Lingerie on Silk, LED  95×37.5cm  2015
蒙特色拉特岛: 揭示系列—日落  内衣蕾丝,丝绸,LED  95×37.5cm  2015

Montserrat ; Exposure – After Sunset  Lingerie on Silk, LED  95×37.5cm  2015
蒙特色拉特岛: 揭示系列—日落之后  内衣蕾丝,丝绸,LED  95×37.5cm  2015