个展”瞬间”被That’s Shanghai选为本周最佳展览之一| Top 6 shows by That’s Shanghai
1. Alex Carroll: Transience
Looking at how movement and the body are experienced with time, Alex Carroll’s 10 years in Shanghai have culminated is a series works using pastel on paper, an uncommon medium. It’s perfect for the themes mentioned, as pastel gives a sense that something can be wiped away or altered quickly and easily, just like movement and the body in reality.
Until May 23, Noeli Gallery, 150B Yueyang Lu, by Yongjia Lu 岳阳路150号B,近永嘉路
2. Shanghai Dream
Art Labor’s final exhibition at their Yongjia Road space features contemporary artists Jayson Atienza, Kevelaars, Andrei Zerebecky and Marc Standing. From Atienza’s unique style of colored shapes creating, in this case, different fruits, to Kevelaars sprawling graffiti spilling out of a painting, this is the last chance to see a show at this Shanghai institution.
Until May 24, Art Labor. Bldg 4, 570 Yongjia Lu, by Yueyang Lu 永嘉路570号4号楼, 近岳阳路
3. Peter Riezebos: Chinese Artifacts
This is Dutch artist Peter Riezebos’s first museum solo show in Shanghai and China. Having overcome many cognitive obstacles in life, Riezebos’ thematic works illustrate his mental and physical journey from the West to the East. Powerful in color and defined by what the artist calls ‘Existential Lines,’ this exhibition reaches out to universally attract and individually connect the audience.
Until May 25, Duolun Museum of Modern Art, 27 Duolun Lu, by Sichuan Bei Lu 多伦路27号,近四川北路
4. Yang Yongliang: Time Immemorial
This is the first solo exhibition at the gallery by Shanghai-based artist Yang Yongliang. Trained in traditional calligraphy and ink and brush painting, Yang has been creating stunning works using both traditional literati aesthetics and contemporary methods and techniques for a number of years. In this exhbition, he continues his quest in search of a spiritual home in the nation’s insatiable march toward material advancement.
Until May 28, Matthew Liu Fine Arts, 2/F, 115 Yuanmingyuan Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu 圆明园路115号2楼,近北京东路
5. Lu Song: Control Point
This is the inaugural show of the Don Gallery West Bund space; its Fuxing Lu location is set to close soon. Eleven paintings of tangled roots and wild foliage adorn the walls of this huge gallery space. This is Lu Song’s heart of darkness, drawing us deeper into scenes where we forfeit our control.
Until May 28, Don Gallery West Bund, Unit 302, 2879 Longteng Dadao, by Fenggu Lu 龙腾大道2879号302室,近丰谷路
6. Lin Yuqi: qfwfq
In her series of works, The Rules of Change, Lin Yuqi presents caricatures rather than characters, irony rather than empathy. The exhibition consists of eight videos, which are focused on helping the audience explore uncertainty through the prism of artistic beauty.
Until June 30, ShangART M50, R102, Bldg 6, 50 Moganshan Lu, by Changhua Lu 莫干山路50号6号楼102室,近昌化路