“Our Time” Kim Eunjin Solo Exhibition “Our Time 我们的时光”Kim Eunjin 个展

“Our Time” Kim Eunjin Solo Exhibition

Exhibition Date: 16 December, 2017 – 18 January, 2018

Our Time is Korean superrealism artist Kim Eunjin’s first solo exhibition in Shanghai after her solo show at Art Central in last March. The artworks from her Remaining Time series have been collected by Korean National Museum of Morden and Contemporary Art. This exhibition features the major artworks from Remaining Time series and Portraits series.

Kim pays close attention to the ecologic issues and the impact of environmental pollution on human and animal’s life on the earth that causes diseases and death. Influenced by the Buddhism culture, Kim also highlights the connection between the living and the past life to explain the circle of life in this universe.

Despite of the heavy and serious subject, Kim’s paintings seem colourful with her unique sense of humor and the great desire of a healthy life in our time. Opposite to her serious Remaining Time series, the Portraits series bring us the joyful sentiment of living in the present day, which achieves a good balance to this exhibition. Kim’s great imagination of discovery and interpretation of life alongside her excellent drawing skills with bold and vibrant colour impress the viewers with an extraordinary visual experience in art.

Apart from the visuals, Kim’s artwork also stirs our other sensation, such as smell, tactile, auditory. It leads the viewers to feel the deep sensation through the questions about our life in our time from her canvas.


“Our Time 我们的时光”Kim Eunjin 个展

  展期 : 2017年12月16日– 2018年1月18日

“我们的时光”是韩国超现实主义艺术家Kim Eunjin继今年三月艺术中环香港个展后在上海举办的首次个展。本次展览展出了“剩余时间”系列和“肖像系列”中的主要作品,其中的“剩余时间”系列作品被韩国现代艺术国家博物馆所收藏。


尽管Kim的创作主题有些沉重和严肃,但她的作品却以其独特的幽默和丰富明亮的色彩表达了对现世健康生活的强烈愿望。本次展览中的“肖像”系列则不同于“剩余时间”系列所表达的严肃性,“肖像”带给了观者们一种喜悦的心情,很好地平衡了本次展览所体现的情感需求。Kim对生活的发现和诠释,以及她出色的绘画技巧,大胆而充满活力的色彩,给观者们带来了非凡的艺术视觉体验。她的作品中运用了大量未经调和过的颜色,鲜明的对比色和充满戏剧性的叙事语言在她的作品中比比皆是, 如同与观者一起参与解谜游戏一般。
