2017 “我们的时光” kim Eunjin 专访 | Interview with Kim Eunjin

艺术家Kim Eunjin当前展览“我们的时光”已接近尾声,现奉上艺术家的专访内容,让我们一起分享Kim的创作灵感及其过程!

Our current exhibition “Our Time” by artist Kim Eunjin is going to close. Let’s take a look at artist’s personal interview by Noeli Gallery.

1. 继去年三月“香港中环艺术博览会”的个展后, 上海的观众终于有机会亲眼目睹“我们的时光”个展中有关“剩余时光”系列作品。“剩余时光”系列中的作品寓意深厚而有趣,您想通过这个系列给观者传达一种怎样的信息?


Following by your solo show at Art Central in last March, the Shanghai public finally have the chance to see your Remaining Time Series from this solo exhibition “Our Time” in Shanghai. All the artworks from Remaining Time Series are profound and interesting, what kind of messages you want to convey through your canvas from this series?

I think people know how to live in their time. I just want to discover our life with my insights and understanding. I showed both the beautiful and the ugly, happiness and sadness, treats and hopes in our life, as I want to convey a real life with questions and mysteries through my eyes and canvas. I also intend to send warm affection and greetings to those weak group from the society, including myself. My paintings are always smiling at the world and people in vibrant colour. I hope that smile is a warm smile, not a cynical or critical cold one.

2. 虽然您是一位基督教新教徒,但我们在您的作品中仍发现许多与佛教宝塔相关的元素,是为什么?


You are a Protestant, however, we find many objects with connection to Buddhism pagoda from your paintings, why?

As an Asian,who is also a protestant, I believe my religious belief might have had a great influence on the way in which I unconsciously view the Buddhist world. The pagoda is the place to store the rest of the relics that are left over after burning up a human body. The pagoda seems like a body holding the human’s soul.

3. 在您的“剩余时光”系列里有很多象征性的物体。比如黑色塑料袋,人和动物的肉,腐烂的牙齿,苹果头发,绿色的水,黑山,请跟我们谈一谈这些东西都象征着什么?


There are many symbolic objects from your Remaining Time Series. For instance, the black plastic bags, the human and animal’s flesh, rotten teeth, apple, hair, green water, black mountains, please tell us what do these objects symbolize?  

The black plastic bags symbolize the transient of human life, The black mountains symbolize the heavy weight of human life, the rotten teeth or hair means sticky strong desires to human life, and green water means redemption for human life.

4. 您认为我们现今生活的是怎样的一个时代?因为我们可以看到你很关注环境问题以及对人类的过度欲望对健康的威胁,你是否想让公众对这些问题带来的危险引起高度警惕?


What do you think of life from our time? As we can see your concerns of environmental issues as well as some excessive desire from human that threaten our health. Do you want to arouse the public to be alert to the danger caused by these issues?

Due to the excessive consumption and excessive desire of human, the earth is becoming more and more ugly and sick while human become more pretty including myself. I did not intend to raise such a question to the public. My paintings are the works of reflection that I wrote my apology letter to the earth.

5. 您本人相信生命的轮回吗?


Do you believe in the circle of life?

I believe so. Life and death are always meant to be complete and perfect by closing up. We are all connected and we are all children of God. They are brothers and sisters born on the same boat.

6. 您下一步在艺术构想上的计划是什么?


What’s your plan for the next step in art creation?

Contemporary art is so descriptive and moving to the text world these days that I feel tired. It is a pity that my paintings are also becoming more and more text-based from the image. Images are the pre-lingual world that existed before the text. I want to do my works to move from the text world to the image world.