“你在想什么?” “What are you thinking?” Shin Younghun个展

 “What are you thinking?” Shin Younghun Solo Exhibition

Exhibition Date: 8 September – 4 October, 2018

Korean contemporary artist Shin Younghun is talented in modern oriental painting. After having received his first fine arts degree in the leading university – SungKyunKwan University in Korea, he received a PHD degree specialized in Korean painting at Dongguk University in 2014.

This is Shin’s first solo exhibition in Shanghai China. Artist Shin Younghun has devoted himself in studying and exploring in modern inking paintings in the focus of female related subject over a decade. He intends to extend the female characters, which is often considered as a type of ‘clichés’ to the height of feminist in his art. He attempts to redefine the female characters as an important individual with a special value of emotional changes from intersexual relations.

Artist wants to find a new approach to represent the modern Korean females in reality, deviating from either being stuck on depicting females in fine Hanboks (Korean traditional dress) or portraying modern feminine beauty that strays away from traditions. Living in a man dominated society, Korean women’s inner mind as well as their profound emotions are often ignored or truly respected. In order to touch upon this subject, artist bring his latest artwork into this solo exhibition – What are you thinking?

This exhibition aims to discuss that, besides of the aesthetics value of superficial beauty underneath Korean Hankok, what is more of Korean females? In Shin’s artwork, females have become a complex object of pure emotions and feelings that go beyond social priorities of interests. They are wandering around the line between the reality and the ideal world in Shin’s artwork, their concealed emotions as well as the value of the inner mind are ready to be released…These paintings are no longer magnificent or mysterious portraits, they are live portraits of whom stay near in real life of today.


“你在想什么?”韩国艺术家Shin Younghun个展

2018年9月8日– 10月4日

作为一位年轻的韩国学术型当代艺术家,Shin Younghun在国内顶尖的成均馆大学艺术学院获得了东方绘画学士学位后,又于2014年在东国大学艺术学院获得了韩国画专业的博士学位。这位青年艺术才子在中国上海首次举办了其当代水墨个展— “你在想什么?”

艺术家Shin Youngun一直致力于研究与探索如何重新诠释当代女性水墨画长达十多年之久。他力求将女性肖像这一看上去“世俗而一成不变”的角色提升至诠释女性主义自由的高度,使女性成为纯情感层面上复杂多变的个体对象,这些韩国女性作为个体的情感对象通过一位男性艺术家的绘画语言,揭示了韩国女性在男权社会中无法正真地表达自己内心深处的情感与尊严,而只能一味地迎合主流社会对韩服包裹下对女性外表的传统审美,却忽视了女性自身内心的情感审美需求的现象。

Shin Younghun在本次个展中用主观的叙事方式通过水墨的绘画手法去演绎两性关系间微妙的情感变化。他认为这种情感变化是全世界最普遍的一种感情,具有特殊的价值。于是艺术家从徘徊在现实与理想世界边缘的女性视角出发,关注隐藏在我们内心深处的情感与其价值所在。
