2018 “你在想什么” Shin Younghun 专访 | Interview with Shin Younghun

1. 据我所知,韩国现当代艺术景象非常活跃,您为何特别钟爱东方绘和韩国水墨画,而非一些于当代艺术相关的一些专业,并以此作为您的博士学位的主要研究方向?

Shin: 韩国是一个非常新潮入时的国家,不仅体现在艺术领域,而且还体现在音乐、时尚等其他领域中。尤其是韩国的当代艺术得到了空前的发展和延伸。我从小很喜爱韩国的文字。我有一个表格曾学习东方画,这让我有机会接触到东方艺术,并让我为之着迷。 这也就是我从小就开始学习东方艺术和韩国水墨画最直接最简单的原因。对除此之外,作为一名本土你的韩国艺术家,我有责任区保护东方的,乃至韩国的的水墨艺术,并将其置身于当代艺术的语境和生活环境中加以创新与发展以符合当代社会的发展和现代人的生活与审美情趣,我将视之我的使命所負。

N: As I know, Korea’s contemporary art scene is quite dynamic. Why you chose Oriental Painting, specialized in the study of Korean ink painting for your PHD degree, instead of studying in contemporary plastic art?

S: Modern Korea is a trendy society in various fields, not only in art, but also other domains, including in music, in fashion, etc. Modern art has been developing and expanding in diverse ways in Korea nowadays. I used to be keen on Korean writing characters and one of my close cousins studied Korean oriental painting, so I am lucky to have a chance to encounter Korean oriental art. This is how I started my very first oriental study naturally in my childhood. Being a native Korean, I believe that I have the responsibility and mission to preserve oriental art as well as Korean ink paintings. Meanwhile, trying to find a new approach to represent it in the  modern context.

2. 从您个人的角度来看,中国水墨画和韩国水墨画的主要区别在哪里?

Shin: 中国水墨画和韩国水墨画所用的材质很相近,通常我可以较快辨别出来两者间差异。我个人认为,中国东方绘画技法卓越超凡,构思宏伟;相比之下,韩国水墨画在绘画则表现得更为简洁明了,同时包含着更多隐喻的内容。

N: What’s the major differences between Chinese ink painting and Korean ink painting from your perspectives?

S: Similar medium can be used both in Chinese ink painting and Korean ink painting. However, I can differentiate them quickly. I personally think that Chinese ink painting distinguishes itself with extraordinary techniques and detailed skills in a grand conception, while the Korean one is with a more concise expression in metaphoric perspectives.

3. 为什么你的这次个展作品是围绕着探究韩国女性在两性关系中的内心情感世界而展开的?

Shin: 现实生活中,韩国的男性和女性在情感关系中,通常会隐藏或抑制自己真实的内心情感,不太善于表露彼此的心声。因此男女双方都需要去揣测对方的内心世界和感受。因而,我的作品主要表达和探究人们在私密的恋爱关系中,男女双方间的微妙的情感变化和内心深处的真实感受与想法。我认为这些来自于情感深处的感受即特殊又普遍。我希望观者能从我的作品中去体会当时女主人公隐藏于内心深处的情感世界。

N: Your artwork from this exhibition is mostly about discovering the inner world of emotions from the Korean females in their relationships. Why?

S: Because in real life, both Korean females and males hold back their true affection and emotion from their mind in a relationship. We don’t tell each other about what we feel about things in an open way. we have to guess! I want the audience to explore more from these female character inside my artwork.

4. 您想通过声响、音乐、视频等多媒体手段为上海的观众带来何种身临其境的模拟沉浸式的观展体验?

Shin: 我曾经去过上海几次,但是作为艺术家还是头一回。这是我首次的个展,我希望上海的观众和艺术爱好者在欣赏我的作品时,能够寻找并感知自身的内心情感世界。同时,我想通过想与自己的作品与大家分享我的私人故事。在此次上海的个展中,我准备了曾激发我灵感的视频以及音乐,这些视觉和听觉的内容曾在我的创作中给予我巨大的激情与能量。与此同时,我尝试着调整者音乐,使其与我的作品中所表达的情感变化相一致。

N: What kind of immersive experience you would like to bring to Shanghai audience inside your affectional poetic art world through multi-media, including the sound, the visual video?

S: I have visited in shanghai a few times, yet, this is my first time to exhibit and introduce my artwork in shanghai as an artist. I wish that shanghai audience and art lovers can seek and feel their own inner emotion while they are watching my paintings. In addition, I would like to share my personal intimate story with the audience from my past relationship, which has been expressed though one of my paintings. I prepared the visual video as well as the audio sound, music for this solo exhibition, from which I get inspiration during the making of my art and I also selected some music which corresponds to what I intend to express from these exhibited art pieces. So that I hope the audience is able to feel what I feel and what my characters are thinking of or feeling about from my artwork.

5. 在我有限的经验中所知道的,您是最年轻的具有艺术博士学位的副教授。作为一名讲师和一名艺术家,您认为哪一种身份更适合您?

Shin: 讲师和艺术家这两个职业,都是很辛苦但却很值得做的。在大学授课,能促使我更多更深地学习研究东方艺术韩国水墨。如此,也能帮助我成为一名更优秀的韩国东方艺术家,两者之间是相辅相成的。

N: You are the youngest associate professor with a PHD degree in art that I’ve ever known in my limited experience. Being a lecturer and Being an artist, which identity fits you more?

S: Being a lecturer and an artist, both required hard work, but worthwhile! In order to provide a good lecture, it requests me to study and to research further and deeper about Korean oriental art, it is a great help indeed for my art creation as an artist.

6. 我们发现翅膀是你的作品中的主要元素之一,你想通过这些白色的翅膀向观众传达什么信息?这些翅膀暗喻着天使吗?

Shin: 不,这些翅膀並不是指天使。而是象征着一种自由。这些翅膀能让我们从过去那段情感中获得解脱,能带着我们曾经的伤痛、困惑、沮丧、失望等飘往空中,从而使我们获得心灵上的重生,让我们有勇气开始有一段新的生活!

N: We found many wings as a primary element from your paintings, what sort of messages do you intend to convey from these white wings? Do they allude to angels?

S: No, these wings do not allude to angels at all. It is a symbol for the freedom, the wings free our soul and mind from the past relationships, the wings took away our emotions of hurt, confusion, depression, disappointment to the air, so that we can turn over to the next page to start a new life!