“Joyful Moment” Asian Contemporary Artists Group Exhibition “欢乐时刻”亚洲当代艺术家群展

“Joyful Moment” Asian Contemporary Artists Group Exhibition

Date: 7 January, 2017 – 26 January, 2017

This Asian Contemporary Artists group show featuring two Korean contemporary artists Cheon Yugyeong, Ko Injae, one Vietnamese-American artist Denise Duong and one Japanese artist Takeru Toyokura, brings us a warm and joyful holiday atmosphere with their vibrant colour and playful creations in full imaginations to start the new year of 2017!

Vietnamese-American artist Denise Duong has a nomadic soul with a soft spot for nature. She narrates the story featuring in love, family and adventure alongside her travelling around the world. Her artworks convey the message of individual’s pursuit of life and the value of emotions.

Korean artist Cheon Yugyeong’s artworks depict the inner emotions from modern people who are tired of loneliness from daily routines and are longing for new ideas in modern life. While Ko Injae creates the ideal world of Utopia where people can get away from the reality. She represents the ‘forest” on the canvas to enable people to relax and heal the emotional hurt surrounded by birds and nature, so that we can be charged and be refreshed to face the difficulties in real life.

Japanese artist Takeru Toyokura’s works interpret the world through children’s innocent eyes and views. In some of his pieces, you can also accidentally find some ecological, economic and political issues from the modern society. The artist attempts to remind us to look back and always being aware how our life goes and how to set up a good example to our next generation.



展期: 2017年1月7日– 1月26日

2017年元月, 四位来自亚洲的青年当代艺术家们用鲜艳欢快的色彩和富有童趣的幻想为申城的冬日增添了温馨而欢乐的节日气息。

本次的展览包括了两位韩国艺术家Cheon Yugyeong和Ko Injae的油画作品以及美籍越南艺术家Denise Duong和日本艺术家Takeru Toyokura的综合材质作品。艺术家们用各自的画笔为大家呈现了不同内心情感世界以及对人生理想的追求。

Denise Duong崇尚自然,具有一颗浪迹天涯的自由之心。她的作品讲述了关于爱情、家庭、冒险和周游世界的故事,表达了人们对生活的追求以及情感价值的体现。

艺术家Cheon Yugyeong的作品体现了当代人对千篇一律的日常生活的厌倦及其孤独的内心情感。因此在Ko Injae的作品中我们找到了远离现实生活的乌托邦世界。她在画布上建造的“森林”使人们在鸟儿和大自然的怀抱中得以放松,治愈我们受伤的情感并帮助我们重新挑战和面对现实生活中的困境。

日本艺术家Takeru Toyokura善于通过孩子童真无邪的双眼和视角来看待由我们成人主宰的世界。在他的某些作品中,还引发了对当代社会环境生态、经济和政治问题的系列思考。艺术家试图提醒我们审视过去所走过的历程,为我们的下一代树立一个积极的榜样。