“关系” ’Connection’ 群展

 “Connection” Group Exhibition

Exhibition Date: 27 October – 22 November, 2018

This group show Connection features 6 Asian artists – LV Zhe, Kim Eunjin, Mu Huan, Fan Shiqiang, Chang Long and Cheon Yugyeon, focusing on the discussion about connections between objects and objects, objects and human, human and human on a daily basis. Six artists convey their views on interdependence, opposition and constraints within the context of connection through distinctive imagery languages and narrative scenes from various cultural background and perspectives.

LV Zhe’s latest series of artwork completed and represented the journey of photographic portraits of objects by setting them up in a specific scene through black and white filming techniques for documentary. He aims to enable the viewers to discover ‘mutual dialogues’ and ‘inter-reactions’ among different objects as a narrative art with plot.

Kim Eunjin’s master piece Refrigerator, as one of the collections by Korean National Museum of Modern and Contemporary, deeply reveals the interdependence and conflicts between human and ecological environment. She stated the impact of global environmental pollution on human health and life through our daily food. Kim stirs up the viewer’s eyes and palate with her bold and vibrant colors through a vivid picture of day-to-day live scenes.

Chang Long keeps his interest in monitors in nowaday’s life, exposing the subtle connection between the monitors and the monitored. These monitors secure the monitored crowd while peeking at their privacy at the same time.

Different from rational and objective thinking, Korean artist Cheon Yugyeong and Chinese artist Fan Shiqiang choose a relatively light way to depict the emotional connections around human and animals through cartoonish images. The characters, animals, porcelains, fans and Qigong become a witty and diverting balance of this group show.


“关系” 群展

2018年10月27日– 11月22日

本次展览“关系”集中展出了中韩六位中青年艺术家吕喆,Kim Eunjin,牟桓,范士强,常隆,Cheon Yugyeon的近期代表作品。这些作品围绕着日常生活中物与物,物与人以及人与人之间所产生的内在联系相互关系而展开讨论。六位艺术家通过不同的文化背景与视角,用不同的绘画语言以及叙事方式将这三者间相互依存、对立、制约,同时又缺一不可的关系诉诸于各自的艺术作品中。


韩国超现实主义艺术家Kim Eunjin的主要代表作“冰箱”,作为韩国当代美术馆的馆藏作品之一,深刻地揭示了人类与生态环境互相依赖而又对立的关系。艺术家以人类赖以生存的食物为焦点,反映了全球环境污染对于人类的健康与生命所产生的致命影响,并用大胆而充满活力的色彩刺激着观者的视觉感受,并用其独特的诙谐手法为观者展示了一幅惟妙惟肖的生活场景百观图。


不同于前几位艺术家理性而客观的思考,韩国艺术家Cheon Yugyeong与中国艺术家范士强则选择用一种轻松卡通的方式,主观形象地表达了城市中人与动物之的情感关系以及人与集体间的关系。画面中的人物,动物,瓷器,扇子与气功武术这些元素使作品妙趣横生。