“隐·现” “I am beautiful”

“隐 · 现” 杨桦个展

展期 : 2019年1月12日– 3月14日

1991年毕业于中央美术学院的杨桦,以华裔艺术家的身份在南非旅居了将近20年,并同时在KwaZulu-Natal大学的视觉艺术学院攻读博士学位。本次展览“隐 · 现”包括了“蕾丝系列”和“非照-365系列”,涵盖了油画、版画、装置及摄影作品。

杨桦“蕾丝系列”以梨作为创作主体,结合蕾丝材质,以一种全新的艺术语言来诠释其绘画和装置作品。梨所具有的柔和曲线和形象, 刻画出了女性所特有的体态和柔美;而蕾丝作为一种材质媒介,完美地诠释了女性所拥有的优雅与精致,内敛而神秘的性感特征。艺术家熟练地应用不同手法将绘画和蕾丝切换成个人语言,使其视觉感受与呈现与杨桦的艺术气质相映相衬,让每件作品能与观者进行私密的情感对话。




“I am beautiful!” Kristin Ng-Yang Solo Exhibition

Date: 12 January – 14 March, 2019

This is the 4th solo exhibition of contemporary artist Kristin Ng-Yang in Shanghai. After she finished her academic study at Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in China in 1991, Kristin has been living in South Africa with her son for nearly 20 years and currently, she is completing a PhD course at the Centre of Visual Art in the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa.

This solo exhibition titled “I am beautiful!” covers her latest oil paintings, woodblock, gravure, photography and installation. In this new exhibition, Kristin is inspired by the soft curves from the pears that symbolise feminine qualities and appearance. The lace collage has led her to a unique approach to reveal the beauty, the delicacy and the refined spirit of females. This time, these artworks are shifted from the sombre mood to the vibrant and vivid colour.

Kristin’s newest photography series “Not Only Photos – 365 Days” is the life record of 365 days in 2018 and is dedicated to her close friend – Hongyan.

As a migrant artist, Kristin’s art is beyond language and her national identity. This exhibition conveys her unique pictorial and artistic perceptions between lace and pear through a number of different mixed medium: canvas, pastry paper, epoxy resin and the ancient French book pages. The artist intends to create an intimate visual dialogue with the viewers.