2019 ”隐 · 现” 杨桦专访 | Interview with Kristin Ng-Yang


Artist Kristin Ng-Yang shared her inspirations with our guests on 12 January night. Please check out her interview.

1. 您的前两次个展都以“飞鸟和鱼”为主题,而这次的个展作品无论在主题,色彩和表现手法上较之以往的系列作品都有较大的转变和突破,能与我们谈谈其中的缘由吗?

杨桦:创作《飞鸟和鱼》系列前,也曾做过一些别的尝试。我一直在寻找新的东西进行创作。 《飞鸟和鱼》系列的结束,只能算是告一段落。我会不停地寻找新的题材和灵感,给大家惊喜。

This new exhibition brings us a brand-new visual imagery series, which is completely different compared to your earlier creation focused on “Flying Fish and Bird”, in terms of the theme, colour, perspectives and material. Why?

Kristin: Before I created “Flying Bird and Fish” series, I have made some other attempts as well. I’ve been always looking for something new to create. For the moment, I have a break on “Flying Bird and Fish” series, I will keep looking for new inspirations to surprise you!

2. 这次个展中绘画作品都以梨为创作主体,并结合了蕾丝材质的运用。您为何会选择蕾丝和梨,这两种看似并无直接关联的元素融合到你的作品中去的?


In this solo exhibition, pear and lace are the main body of your new artworks. Why did you select lace and pear and how these two seemingly unrelated elements, to be merged into your work?

Kristin: I’ve found the soft lines and shapes of pears are very close to female’s curves, while lace presents female’s delicacy, beauty, elegance and refined feminine qualities. So I want to apply them in my artwork. In addition, as a female artist, I am obsessed with lace, and embroidery. I have been always seeking something beyond the reach of painting, looking for things related to my grow-up and memory.


3. 个展中的“妖精系列”在形式感与色彩上令人耳目一新,运用了绘画、拼贴的形式并结合了不同形态的鸟来表达,这些小鸟有特别的含义吗?
“I am beautiful!” Series from this exhibition is refreshing in terms of the color and the sense of form. You used collage and birds, do these birds convey any special messages?
Kristin: I have been attempting to abandon the form of painting or drawing in my work. These paintings are made of pure colour from the tube, together with gold and silver colour. I forced myself to give up on the tones and strokes that I am used to. I found the tones and shapes of this series are rather strange. I used models of birds and animals to balance the picture and it’s also a kind of continuation of my previous “Flying Bird and Fish” series.

4. 本次展览中展出了部分“非照-365系列”的摄影作品,您的创作初衷是什么?这个系列创作完成后对您有何影响?


What’s your initial idea to make these photography Series – “Not only Photos-365”?

Kristin: The initial intention is to squeeze a bit of time of everyday to make a record and summary of year 2018. This series of photography work is also dedicated to my close friend – Hongyan, who is a photographer, I want to continue to do what she loves to do.

5. 拍照的过程其实是进一步观察周围的人和物的过程,在一年的时间内您也记录下了很多珍贵的瞬间,能挑选两张令您印象最为深刻的作品和我们谈谈吗?




The process of shooting is the process of observing people and things around you. You have recorded many precious moments in last year. Can you select two photos that impress you the most?

Kristin: On some busy days, I’ve thought about giving up. As when you have little time to shoot, it is hard for me to enjoy the shooting process. I had to keep reminding myself not to forget and give up. During this one year’s shooting, there are countless unforgettable moments across from South Africa to Beijing and then to my hometown – Zibo.

For example, this photo of “day 268” was taken on the day that I took my son to the safari park. When I woke up and opened my eyes in the morning in the hotel, I saw this bathrobe surrounded by soft light, heavy tone…Then, that’s it for today’s shooting!

This photo of “day345” was taken at the end of last year in Songzhuang, Beijing. It’s the top of famous artist Fang Lijun’s sculpture. Now it’s been a well-known landmark of Songzhuang. I named this photo as “the top of the food chain”. It implies the living situation of Songzhuang. The meaning of this photo is far beyond this picture itself.

6. 作为侨居南非20多年的中国艺术家,您觉得在南非的艺术环境与文化给了您哪些启发?对您的创作带来哪些影响?


As a Chinese artist living in South Africa over 20 years, what does South Africa bring you or inspire you in terms of artistic atmosphere and their local culture? How does it influence your art creation?

Kristin: I started to know about contemporary art after I arrived in South Africa. South Africa has unique culture and it used to be the colonial country under the British’s reign. It’s a bit similar to China’s past 100 years’ history, this country burdened with a heavy history. However, the education and development of contemporary art had entered South Africa very early, while Chinese contemporary art history hasn’t started and developed until the 1990s. South Africa’s art environment is quite open, enabling me to create as free as I want to.
