2019 ”未知” Andrew Daly专访 | Interview with Andrew Daly

3月23日晚,澳洲艺术家Andrew Daly在其个展开幕酒会中与嘉宾们一起分享了他的艺术创作过程及其灵感。现奉上详细专访内容。

Artist Andrew Daly shared his inspirations with our guests on 23 March night. Let’s take a look at his personal interview with Noeli Gallery!

1. 很多艺术家都会产生一定的影响力,请问您欣赏哪些艺术家?

Andrew:我欣赏的艺术家很广泛,从提香到马蒂斯。但我认为,一旦你看到自己的作品朝着某个方向发展,你就会开始关注那些创作过类似作品的艺术家。我一直被具象绘画所吸引,尤其是那些在20世纪和21世纪有所创新突破的艺术家。例如Morandi,Freud和Hopper等等。目前,我最欣赏的两位当代艺术家是Peter Doig和Alex Katz。

N: Most artists have many influences. Who are some of the artists you admire?

A: I admire a broad range of artists from Titian to Matisse. But I think once you see your own work heading in a certain direction you tend to focus on artists who have done something similar. I’ve always been drawn to figurative painting. Especially those who have done something new with it in the 20th, and now 21st centuries. There are many such artists, such as Morandi, Freud and Hopper to name a few. Two contemporary artists I admire at the moment are Peter Doig and Alex Katz.

2. 您的个展作品画面中出现了各种动物,为画面增添了丰富的想象力并充满着童趣,请问这种创作灵感源自于哪里?



N: Why is this exhibition titled “Menagerie”? Where does your inspiration come from?

A: My inspiration comes from two main sources I think; one is simply things that catch my eye and the other is the desire to express a particular feeling. I think most artists are inspired by things they see; it could be a face or a landscape or a photograph. My painting, Jonah and the Whale, is an example of a painting inspired by an emotion.

As or the title – Menagerie – for me it conjures up a collection of exotic animals. The subject matter in this exhibition is very eclectic so for me it’s like a collection of exotic animals. Also it does happen to feature jellyfish, birds, fish, whales, monsters and humans!

3. “Jonah和鲸鱼”是一幅充满神秘色彩的作品。你能简单为我们介绍下这幅作品吗?你想通过这幅作品传达什么样的信息?

Andrew:我只是想表达我当时的感受。一位我认识的朋友去世了,我感到非常难过。这个画面便直接出现在我的脑海中。后来,我碰巧知道了加拿大心理学家Jordan Peterson博士对 ”Jonah和鲸鱼”故事的心理学解释。我认为他的解释既有趣又准确。如果有人感兴趣,可以在网上查找这位心理学家。

N: “Jonah and Whale” is a mysterious painting. Can you tell us more about it? What kind of messages do you want to convey through this painting?

A: I was just trying to express how I felt at the time. Someone I knew had passed away and I felt very sad. The imagery came to me intuitively. Later I came across a psychological interpretation of the Jonah and the Whale story by the Canadian psychologist Dr Jordan Peterson. I think his interpretation is both intriguing and accurate. If anyone is interested, they can look him up on the Internet.

4. 在此次个展中,你还展出了大尺幅绘画作品的色彩稿,为什么?


N: You also exhibited many miniatures of your large paintings inside this show, why?

A: I exhibited the studies as I thought people might be interested to see the process I use to make my paintings. I’m always interested in how a painting is made.

5. 你觉得上海怎样?你喜欢在这里生活和工作吗?你认为这个城市会带给你更多的灵感和惊喜吗?


N: How do you find Shanghai? Do you like living and working here? Do you think this city will give you more inspiration and surprises in your future creation?

A: Shanghai is a large cosmopolitan city and I want to explore it further. I’m sure I’ll find things here I want to paint. That might be a good theme for an exhibition: Things that have caught my eye in Shanghai.