“夏梦” 王奇峰&颜小倩双人展 | “Summer Dream” Wang Qifeng & Yan Xiaoqian Dual Exhibition

“Summer Dream” Wang Qifeng & Yan Xiaoqian Dual Exhibition

Date: 29 June – 22 August, 2019


In this dual exhibition, artists Wang Qifeng and Yan Xiaoqian is dream of those bygone days and this has inspired them to a modern representation of these ancient Chinese beauties, their elegance and poetry, their aesthetic values and lifestyle.

Artist Wang Qifeng shows his reflection of today’s world through his canvas. His brushstroke is tender and free in a Chinese ink-wash style with his yearning for the harmony of human’s co-existence with nature. We can hear the trills of cicadas in the summer days and feel the tranquility of life from Wang Qifeng’s artworks.

Yan Xiaoqian’s inspiration comes from China’s earliest collection of poems – Book of Songs. She considers the ancient Chinese poems is the witness of the real affections and ideals. In Yan’s paintings, we see the purity and romance with full of imagination and affection in a strong sense of oriental pictures.


“夏梦” 王奇峰&颜小倩双人展

展期 : 2019年6月29日– 8月22日




颜小倩则将东方的诗经融汇贯通在其艺术创作中。她的作品充满着古朴与诗意,人物形象清纯唯美。 颜小倩擅长以诗诉情,作品中体现了哀而不伤的情感。她认为古代的诗经故事既给予了现实中的人们无比的遐想,又同时让人们从中见证到了理想和情感的真实。伴着颜小倩作品中的诗词和韵律,观者能身临其境地感受那充满着诗情与浪漫的年代。