2019 ”夏梦” 双人展王奇峰专访 | Interview with Wang Qifeng

1. In this exhibition, we witness the wisdom of living a life from ancient China , that is  the harmony of human’s co-existence with nature – the key of our ancient philosophy. Nevertheless, the development of contemporary art has become overwhelming across China and the whole world. How do you perceive the issue of inheriting the valuable traditions and culture in this situation? 

Wang Qifeng: I think contemporary art encourages the participation of diverse cultures and domains. We only view the problems from today’s perspectives. Therefore, our ancient traditions and culture still has great performances and continuation in contemporary art. Contemporary art pays close attention to exploration and experiment, it leads to various research directions, so I am also working towards exploration in my expression and understanding.

2. The beauties from your artworks seem to be ancient, but indeed, they are not. Why?

Wang Qifeng:The image of these ladies in my artworks is neither ancient nor modern, they are not from any specific characters or any period of time. They are more conceptualized to become the core spirit of my artworks.

3. What’s your next step?

Wang Qifeng:Landscape, towards the direction of “the nature after modernization” is my next step.

1. 我们从您本次的参展作品中强烈地感受到了古老东方的生活方式与智慧,那就是“天人合一”哲学思想。而如今当代艺术的发展势不可挡地成为了统领中国乃至全世界的一种艺术形式,您觉得在这种大趋势下,古老东方所崇尚的艺术审美以及文化精髓应该如何在当代艺术中得到传承?又应该以哪种方向发展?


2. 您作品中的女性看似古代女子,实则不然。您为何不使用古代女子的形象来表现?


3. 您接下来的创作方向与目标是什么?
