2016“夏日缤纷”群展 李雳专访 | Interview with Li Li

A much anticipated Artist who creates women sculptures and oil paintings of playfully provocative and sexy Chinese Women. Her drawings are very distinct and are re-known throughout Shanghai due to the distinct faces with no nose and small lips.


1.  您最新系列作品的灵感是什么?

What is your inspiration for your new Lili Creations?


The inspirations of my works are from bits and pieces of life, my growing experience, and my perceptions of things.

2. 为什么您最近开始从事雕塑创作?

You recently started doing Sculptures? Why?


Thanks to the encouragement and support from Noeli Gallery, I by chance had an opportunity of introducing my sculptures to the audience. My newest series of sculptures are about the illusions in a space expressed in the image of a girl.

3. 您成长过程中最推崇的艺术家是谁?为什么?

Who was your favorite artist growing up? Why?


This is a serious question. There are many artists worth learning from in my artistic growth, and I follow different ones during different phases. So it’s hard for me to choose the favorite one.

4. “李雳女孩“的象征意义是什么?我们看到她反差很大:有时候她着装非常严肃,而有时候她表现得顽皮或挑逗。

What does the LiLi girl symbolize? We see her in large contrasts; sometimes she is dressed very seriously and sometimes we see her in a very playful or provocative setting.


Although the girls in the paintings are images that I created and distilled, their lives exist and go on through my works. They could be serious, playful, or flirting just like real-life girls for a certain moment. Women in real life have different moods and I hope my artwork will bring these different moods and emotions to the audience, in order to understand better about women.