2016“夏日缤纷”群展 Maud Boesen专访 | Interview with Maud Boesen

She is born in 1981 in a small city on the west coast of Denmark.  She used to live in Shanghai  about  five years with her husband and 2 young daughters. She moved back in Denmark in 2012.


Since a very young age, Maud began drawing throughout her life, partly inspired by her mom and uncle who were photographer and musician. She started her career as a professional artist in Denmark and  has been involved in a wide range of projects with furniture stores, hotels, firms and showrooms. In the late 2007, Maud came to China with her husband and she took up the challenge and brought her creativity with her to China in order to find new sources of inspiration.


Maud puts high emphasis on the viewer’s own feelings and emotions while discovering her works. Maud’s art expresses the thoughts and emotions she has experienced through her childhood and adult life. Her choice of colors is based on the modern abstract and timeless art form creating depth and contrast between light and dark as well as warm and cold colors. The specific lines, the different shapes, colors and techniques express a certain calm and balance, yet, at the same time, a matching combination of the  different contrasts. She likes playing with different textures and mixed medium like acrylic, oil, paper, sand and collage etc.



1. 你的创作灵感来自哪里?

Where does your inspiration come from?


My Inspiration is most of all my thoughts, feelings and emotions. It’s not about walking at the beach and see a beautiful sunset and go home and paint that impression on a canvas. My art is telling about all the questions in the world. Why are we here, Why are we so different, Why is the sky blue. Where are we going, who am I and why is this happening to me and so on.  Some times I paint people, sometimes animals and sometimes abstract. But the big picture is all about feelings and telling a story – my story. How I do that is depending on what influence me at that time or period. Maybe a person really touches me and I use this person as a front in a painting, but the story is in the eyes or the way she or he acts. I had a really hard childhood and I have experienced a lot of pain and been let down from people who should be the most important in my life. For me I have a story I want to tell you about me and my life and I’m doing that through my paintings. I tell you about my deepest feelings, the emotional pain, the happiness, my choices, my sacrifices and all the feelings around that.

2. 你生活在上海的这段时间有什么另你印象深刻的经历?这是否和你的艺术创作有影响?

What is the most impressive experience you had when you were living in Shanghai? Does it influence your art creation?



The biggest experience living in Shanghai is for me first of all to have my second daughter there. Secondly meeting new people and nationalities, the third and most important: Finding myself. I needed at that point to get a break and get a way from a “normal day in Denmark”. It was my Escape, my chance and today I really understand how important that was for me. It’s not starting from the beginning again, because I’m not that kind of person. I never run, I stay and fight but sometimes you have to see it from another angle. It’s all about looking deeper inside myself and realize who am I and what do I want? And how can I be the best me, Yes, that influences my art creations in China but also today in Denmark. This was a breaking point for me and people who know me were impressed to “read” my artworks when I came home. “You don’t find your self in one day, but THAT one day can be your breaking point to chance the broken parts and start fixing it. It’s a process. Just like my paintings”

Of cause it influences my paintings, I am my paintings, and without painting I’m not me. I am an artist, I’ve been that since I was born. I express my self that way and I hope people will open up and feel them self in my paintings in their own way.

3. 你的作品想要传达一种什么样的信息?

What kind of message you would like to convey from your artworks?


Like I told before it’s all about feelings. For me it’s like writing a book, but this is deeper, a lot deeper.  It’s a feeling that don’t have words, it’s episodes of my life you cant understand unless you felt it yourself. It’s like being in an emotional prison or opposite being free as a bird. It’s about feeling real happiness and a deep pain inside emotionally.

4. 同其他艺术家的抽象作品比较的话,你觉得你的作品有何种特点?

What are the characteristicsof your abstract works comparing to other abstract artist’s works?

艺术其实一直无非于喜欢或不喜欢。我并没有期待人们能马上理解我画中的故事,但是有些人可以马上理解或者感受到。或许用他们自己的方式,感触到自己的情感,然后他们就会提问。我的作品不拘泥于同一种风格并且用不一样的色彩。许多艺术家也会这么做,但我画着任何自己想表达的东西, 不一样的线条不一样的主题,这是我擅长的地方,我可以有许多的风格和表现手法,我喜欢这样,用得不只是一种方式。我的作品是我的一部分,是我生活中的一部分。

Art is always about liking or not. I don’t expect people to see the story immediately, but some do, or they feel it. Maybe in their own way but they get in touch with their own feelings and maybe start asking questions. My paintings are not the same style but in different colors. A lot of artists do that, but I can paint whatever I feel and not just the same lines but in different themes. And this is my strength. I can do a lot of different styles and techniques and not just one and I love it.  My paintings are a small part of me. It’s like selling a part of me. It’s episodes of my life!

5. 一些中国观者会觉得你的作品比较难懂,对于这个问题你是否有好的建议给他们?

Some Chinese viewers find difficulties to understand your artworks, do you have any tips for them to understand better about your works?


Look deeper. Not at the actually painting, but behind it. It’s a puzzle, but a sensitive one. My paintings are always happy, because I am a happy person – but with a suitcase full of “crap”. I want to make people happy, because everyone deserves it, but to understand that life is tough, and we have to make sacrifices and tuff decisions and make our own choices. No one else can do it. Get up and do what you want and be happy while you are here. And be proud of your achievements. Make a choice – your choice – and Believe in it! Feel it!