2014 “她” 吕喆专访 | Interview with Lu Zhe

1. 你的艺术创作的灵感来自于何处?

Where do your inspirations come from?


From my previous relationships and those sudden feelings of insecurity.

2. 你的以前很多作品中会出现一位戴着面具的年轻男子游走于各处,你想从中表达些什么?画中这位年轻男子是你自己吗?或者这与你的个人成长经历有关吗?

In many of your previous works, a young man appears wearing a mask and wanders around. What do you want to express? Is the young man you? Or does it relate to your experiences while growing up?


The young man in mask can be me, can be you, and can be anyone. The young man in mask can be me, can be you, and can be anyone. Wearing the mask is to hide himself as well as to shield himself from outside world,  it’s also a sort of frustration to confront the real life. He lives in a fictitious world with real live scenes. He pays close attention to some behavior, he seems shy and restless. This reflects not only my own emotions, but also some others’ emotions.

3. 这次在上海的首次个展的最新系列作品”Her”与你以往的作品有何不同和突破?

For your first solo exhibition in Shanghai, is there any difference in your new series of paintings?


It is an artist’s responsibility to perceive everything with a wider view, and to explore continuously, even if it is just one topic or one type of emotion. My previous artworks were expressed from the personal angle of my own emotions, so personal symbols were used in them. Such elements were blurred in my new works, more subtle and in undertone. But I also evolutionarily destroy the general experiences of emotions, turning substantial elements into abstract ones, so as to trigger more and richer responses.


For example, some architectural elements such as doors and windows appear in my paintings. Doors and windows are the most direct threshold between our private space and outside. These elements appear forms either shut or ajar. They are another type of masks.

4. 作为一名80后的新兴艺术家,你是如何看待中国的现当代艺术的?

As an emerging artist born in the 1980s, what do you think of contemporary arts of China?


Every artist stresses on different points, so the arts they bring forth are different. This leads to the diversity of contemporary arts. Every artist tries to explore new possibilities. This is very good. I feel honored to be part of this great period.

5. 能告诉我们你今后的创作方向是什么吗?

Could you tell us your future plans for art creations?


From now on, my paintings will be more based on my emotions and my personal experiences while growing up. This is a way of recording my life. I get to know myself and the society in the process. I transform my life experiences and keep the earnest in art creation.


As for media, I will try to use more of installations, videos and other things. My creation will be richer and with more dimensions .