“纡红曳紫”王学军 · 一个人的群展 | “RED” Wang Xuejun Solo Exhibition
“RED” Wang Xuejun Solo Exhibition
Date: 21 September – 24 October, 2019
After two successful photography solo exhibitions, contemporary artist Wangxuejun brings us an exciting and emotional RED solo show alongside his latest paintings and installations for the 70th anniversary of new China.
Being a dynamic modern city, Shanghai has numerous renowned local brands in the history. These local brands have been covering all aspects of our day-to-day life. With the great encouragement of China’s revival, the trend of overwhelming “Guochao”is approaching. Today, we are not strangers to these local brands and China’s new generations are supporting them as loyal fans.
In this exhibition, artist seizes this inspiring and sensitive moment by using the powerful RED colour to describe and to represent these local brands history through his new creation, attempting to arouse the whole nation’s common memories.
“纡红曳紫” 王学军 · 一个人的群展
展期 : 2019年9月21日– 10月24日
当下的中国用多元化、个体化,取代了三十年前的集体化、同一化的价值观与审美观,时代的更替酝酿出不同的审美与视觉评判标准。通过本次展览, 艺术家希望在表达主观态度的同时,从公众的角度出发,客观地重现公众日常生活中的时代记忆。