2020 ”糊涂童年” 王学军个展专访 | INTERVIEW WITH WANG XUE JUN

1. 本次展览的糊涂童年系列新作都是您在疫情居家期中创作的,当时您在创作时的最大感受是什么?

王学军:新冠肺炎使整座城市变得诡异可怕,到处空空荡荡、人心惶惶…… 我一时陷入焦灼和坐立不安的状况,这是在春节到居家令的第一个月的状态和感受。到了第二个月时,我找到了持续创作的惯性,早上起来就画画,画到晚上很晚才结束,和新闻里抗疫的紧张报道形成了强烈的反差。突然有种找到了让自己平静甚至有一种怪异的喜悦感,一晃近半年过去了……

1. You created this new series of artworks during the Covid -19 outbreak, how did you feel as an artist during this particular period of time?

Wang Xuejun:  This coronavirus epidemic makes the whole city empty and horrifying. I was anxious, terrified and restless during the first month of Chines New Year. In the second month, I found my calm by non-stop working from morning till late night, which was in sharp contrast to the tension of those news reports regarding the battle against the virus. Nearly half a year passed in a twinkling…

2. 去年您的个展以80年代为主题,并敏锐地提出了“国潮”这一社会现象,此次个展“糊涂童年“是否是上一个展览的延伸或补充?




2.  Last year, you looked back into the 1980s in your solo exhibition and put forward the new social phenomenon of “Guo Chao”. (“Domestic Brands Trend”). Is this exhibition an extension or supplement to the previous one?

Wang Xuejun:   Yes. In fact, I have many threads of thoughts at the same time. Last solo exhibition coincided with the 70th anniversary of our national anniversary, it reviewed the simple and relatively peaceful life when I was a young kid or a teenager 30 years ago in China. It also focused on the relationship between economic growth and true happiness. This epidemic is a tremendous disaster in the world, we are all being like a child while facing the virus by feeling hopeless, fearful, confused, as if I am back to my childhood and hope this nightmare is going to end up soon…

3. 为何您会选择玩具作为两条重要线索来展现糊涂童年,这有什么特殊含义吗?



3. Why do you select “toy” and “dream” as two major threads to represent the childhood?

Wang Xuejun:   Because toys are the best playmates in childhood. Many of my works use “Dream” as titles, such as blossom are like “sweet dreams”; a box of pigment was filled with my own dream to be an artist in my school days; including the latest piece of one toy car, titled “ A long journey in the dream” etc., as we have many dreams (day dreams or nightmares) in childhood and childhood itself seems like a dream to me.


4. 当下的经济环境受疫情以及国际局势的影响,面临着很大的压力与挑战,作为一名艺术家,您有何感受?在您看来,艺术和商业的跨界合作的发展趋势会如何?

王学军:其实从上世纪三四十年代毕加索、达利到六十年代安迪沃霍尔,再到最近村上隆、达明赫斯特等,早已经不在是哪个羞羞答答以贫穷和清高来鄙视财富的时代了。如果你觉得如莫兰迪般不争还是像推冰人弗朗西斯埃利斯以一种清苦的执着,是你所向往的精神世界,那就好好地享受这种精神富有吧!但是现在很多的当代艺术创作是需要宏大的资本才能进行和完成的,那么如何争取到的资本支持,也是艺术家才能的一部分,至少你的创造力打动了支持你的投资者,如七八十年代的大地艺术家克里斯托夫妇,以及当下很火的team lab……

4. This Covid-19 epidemic outbreak has a big impact on current economy, the economy is facing a lot of pressure and challenges. How do you feel as an artist? In your opinion, how do you see the future of art crossover with commercial collaboration?

Wang Xuejun:   In fact, from Picasso to Dali, from Andy Warhol to Murakami and Damien Hirst in the recent days, it’s no longer an era for artists to despise the material wealth because of the spiritual pride and art talents. If you think the spiritual world you yearn for is as same as Morandi or Francis Ellis, the persistent ice pusher, then please be them and enjoy the spiritual wealth! However, a lot of contemporary art projects do need a large amount of capital to be carried out and to be completed nowadays, so how to get the financial support for the art projects is also a part of the artist’s talent. At least your creativity and concepts have convinced the investors who are going to support you, such as Team Lab, the new rising digital art star…


5. 中国的高科技产业发展在全球范围内正起着引领的作用,5G时代的到来势必会影响着各种领域,其中也包括艺术领域。对此,您有何见解?

王学军:我们已经感受到了像team lab的新媒体、新媒介艺术的魅力,但是你也可以说他们的艺术已经不是新媒介了,至于什么是新媒介,应该是正在发生和即将出现的媒介了。我期待5G时代的到来,因为它为艺术家们提供了新的可能性。让我们随着这个新的5G时代一起去创造属于我们自己的无限梦想和价值吧!


5. China’s high-tech is playing a leading role in the world now, the upcoming 5g era will inevitably affect various fields, including the art world. How do you see this new trend in the domain of art?

Wang Xuejun:   We have experienced the charm of new media and new digital art like team lab, but on the other hand, you can say they are not the new media art. As for what is the new media, it should be the new emerging media. I look forward to the 5G era, as it offers artists many new possibilities. Let’s create our infinite dreams and values in 5G era!