“意象之外” 群展

“Beyond Abstract” Group Exhibition

DATE:11 July – 19 August 2020


This group exhibition showcases the artwork of three female artists: Dorota Bednarek, Maryam Aryan, Maud Boesen from Poland, France and Denmark. It offers a range of private assemblage of demonstrating strong emotions through different objects to fulfil their desire, expectations and fantasies in various ways.

Danish artist Maud Boesen uses determined and sharp lines with great contrast between cold and warm colour to create striking visual affect. Her abstract paintings are full of energy and emotions, they become not only a deep reflection of the artist’s assertive personality, but also an interpretation of important events in life, which bring emotional connections with the audience.

French artist Maryam Aryan insists in portrait from life to record every burst of emotional moments through mixed medium such as oil, paper collage, ink, chalk and pastel…She outlines physical or invisible curves of human body to fulfil her imagination of different Rendez-Vous.

Polish artist Dorota Bednarek’s art is inspired by the sky with twinkling stars as well as the sea under various lights. She uses mixed industrial crystals and metals to create a dazzling, multi-dimensional world, both visually mesmerizing and technically complex. Calmness, excitement, deepness, variation and dazzle are represented in her artwork. Dorota merges her emotion and fantasy into a narrative description which leads to a deeper symbolic significance of nature.



 展期 : 2020年7月11日—8月19日



丹麦艺术家Maud Boesen用强烈的明与暗、冷与暖的对比和平衡关系以及热情奔放的线条与形态不一的色块组成一幅幅充满情感力量的抽象作品。她擅用自己情感来诠释正在发生的事件,让观者产生联想,从而与她的作品产生情感纽带。

法国艺术家Maryam Aryan通过油画、丙烯、拼贴、色粉等多样化的媒介将其作品融合在画布、木头和纸等综合材质来表达,并坚持以人体写生这一具象的方式快速记录每一个情感的迸发,勾勒出有形或无形的人体曲线,想象并描绘出不同的人在某些不特定场所中的约会场景与情感体验。

波兰艺术家Dorota Bednarek采用混合的工业金属和水晶材料进行创作,利用光线在不同金属材质上所呈现出的光影折射,使其作品产生一种多维立体, 闪烁变化的视觉感。创作的理念来自于艺术家大海及星空所独有的美感所产生的迷恋。深邃、冷峻、闪动与变化无一不体现在每一张作品中。Dorota通过对大海及星空的具体形态的揣摩与思考,将主观情感融于其中进行再次叙述,使大海与星空有了更深层的情感象征意义。